Business Podcasts Every Entrepreneur Should Listen To

Business Podcasts Every Entrepreneur Should Listen To

International Podcast Day is September 30th – and it’s no wonder this new medium has its own day, with over 50% of the US population having partaken. Podcasts have a unique draw, providing listeners with insights and entertainment that are tailored to their interests. As of June 2019, there were 750,000 podcast shows and counting,…

The One Thing that Will Make Entrepreneurs More Productive
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The One Thing that Will Make Entrepreneurs More Productive

Have you ever been proud to tell someone about how little you sleep? Did you brag about how much you accomplished or how much money you made because you only sleep three hours a night? Your arrogance could be costing you. Jason Fried, co-founder of the task management tool Basecamp is fed up listening to…

5 Tools Your Business Should Be Using
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5 Tools Your Business Should Be Using

Does your business still rely on Microsoft Office to do everything? If so, you’re missing out on some crazy-amazing tools that will make your business run more efficiently and keep you miles ahead of your competition. It’s understandable to be afraid of new tools and easy to stay with what you know. Office is definitely…